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2024 Board Elections

Here are our 2024 - 2027 SOSNA Board Nominees! You can find their answers to the initial nominee application questions below. Meet them IN PERSON on October 9 from 6 -7:30PM at the YMCA. The meeting will also be live streamed and post afterwards while voting is open.

There are four (4) seats open this year, so be sure to cast your vote!

The winners will be announced on Monday, October 14th.

Meet the Nominees

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Lucia Pozzan

Why do you want to serve as a SOSNA Board Member?

I want to contribute to the community where I work, have friends and am raising my family. I love this community and the neighborhood and I want to get involved in making it better!


Can you please share your current/previous volunteer & leadership experience?

I volunteer providing mentorship to women in technology/AI. I am a Sr. Director at a technology company and lead a team of 25 data scientists and UX designers.

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Stephen Rodriguez

Why do you want to serve as a SOSNA Board Member?

I hope to continue my work as SOSNA board member of the last 3 years. I serve as the chair of the triangles committee which maintains the 3 Triangle Plaza. I also chair Plazapalooza and the SOSNA falls fest which are SOSNAs yearly family festivals.


Can you please share your current/previous volunteer & leadership experience?

3 years as active SOSNA Board member and 5 years as Chair of the Triangles committee.


José J. Hernandez

Why do you want to serve as a SOSNA Board Member?

I'm a current Board member seeking re-election with the goal of continuing SOSNA's effort and goal of making this neighborhood the best it can be.


Can you please share your current/previous volunteer & leadership experience?

Currently serving on SOSNA Board of Directors, Zoning Committee and Architectural Review Committee. Board member of the Building Industry Association. Partner and Principal of JKRP Architects.

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Sam Roberts

Why do you want to serve as a SOSNA Board Member?

In the three years since moving to Graduate Hospital, I’ve come to love this neighborhood and community. I want to join the SOSNA board so I can invest myself in helping shape its future. I believe we have an opportunity to make our community, which already has so many wonderful things to offer, even more welcoming, forward-looking, and safe, as well as build even stronger bonds among those of us who call it home.

 As someone with a background in local politics, I know I will bring a thoughtful, inclusive approach to navigating community issues and Graduate Hospital’s varied constituencies, balancing the idealism necessary to accomplish great things with the pragmatism needed to get results.


Can you please share your current/previous volunteer & leadership experience?

I have significant experience working in nonprofit fundraising and marketing. I spearheaded digital fundraising campaigns, interfaced with high-level donors, and helped share the stories of the people our organization served. I know how to inspire people to give and show donors the value of their gifts. Before I moved to Philadelphia, I was a volunteer political organizer for NYC-DSA, serving as co-chair of its Brooklyn Electoral Working Group’s Communications Committee. At the height of the pandemic, we ran 5 campaigns for state level office to bring much-needed change to our communities. Our electoral work was rooted in listening to what constituents needed and finding ways to meet their needs. At the time, that meant not just making campaign promises but also, for example, building mutual aid networks. In the end, we won all five of our races and our candidates have become beloved, multi-term representatives.

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Raymond Weymer

Why do you want to serve as a SOSNA Board Member?

I've lived in Philadelphia since 1998. I've owned my home in the Graduate Hospital area for over 20 years. I've seen alot of changes to the neighborhood. Some good some not so good. I enjoy living in the area for its walkability and its architecture. I'm passionate about the neighborhood and want to be involved where I can hopefully make a difference in protecting the neighborhood from over development and from developers running rough shod over the zoning system.


Can you please share your current/previous volunteer & leadership experience?

I ran a FIRST Robotics team at George Washington HS for three years. I also volunteered for Friends of the Wissahickon cleanup days.

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Jessan Groenendyk

Why do you want to serve as a SOSNA Board Member?

I love my neighborhood and always try to make it a better place for the people with whom I share it. I have a passion for zoning, financial analysis, economics, and community development. I care deeply about the issues that affect our neighborhood, and I always try to see all sides of an issue, then advocate for the best choice.


Can you please share your current/previous volunteer & leadership experience?

Previous: Team leader at Accenture Strategy Consulting Founder & captain of Covenant College Rowing Club Current: Volunteer for Harris/Walz campaign Volunteer for Fairmount Rowing Association Senior analyst at the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (non-profit)

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Josh Goldenberg

Why do you want to serve as a SOSNA Board Member?

I want to play an active role in our community to ensure it remains a vibrant, safe and wonderful place to live and raise a family.


Can you please share your current/previous volunteer & leadership experience?

I served as a board member for the Jewish Community Relations Council (Minnesota and Dakotas region) between 2016-17. I am currently an alumni mentor for Villanova Law School students and a member of the initial cohort of the Philadelphia Alliance for Capital & Technologies (PACT) Next-Gen Leadership Program.

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Brad Wilhelm

Why do you want to serve as a SOSNA Board Member?

I just moved to the neighborhood and I'd like to help continue all the org's great work.


Can you please share your current/previous volunteer & leadership experience?

I volunteered on PSCA's board for four years, including three as vice president. I'm currently in my second go round as the head of my employer's legal department. I've also been volunteering with 5th square for years.

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Linda D. Evans

Why do you want to serve as a SOSNA Board Member?

I am running for reelection to the SOSNA Board because it is important to maintain a seat at the table of a nonprofit organization that impacts this community. The most important life lesson from my brother Congressman Dwight Evans is if someone is included in a discussion that he has the ability to influence decisions that are made. A few years ago, my presence as well as my neighbors impacted a decision that was under consideration for this community. We made a difference. Over the last few years, I have been a fighting advocate who has been committed to represent my neighbors’ interests: affordable housing, preserve community character, protection for property owners, transform commercial districts and support social institutions. In closing, I am committed to betterment of this community. I ask for your vote!


Can you please share your current/previous volunteer & leadership experience?

Currently, I am doing my most important work helping long term property owners to maintain their homes. I am utilizing life experiences and relationships to access resources for them. I have been advocating with others for neighbors who want their voices heard as developers seek to transform adjacent property and have worked aggressively in the creation of neighborhood conservation overlay. I hosted community celebration to recognize Black Doctors Row Historic District and spoke at the street renaming ceremony which had media coverage. Last year, I and others received the Preservation Alliance’s John Anderson Award for Community Action and photo cover of the Extant Magazine.

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Murray Spencer

Why do you want to serve as a SOSNA Board Member?

Past board members, once they have termed out of the board, have had nothing to do with SOSNA after their terms have expired. Recently, two current board members, Richard Gliniak and Michael Showell, have recommitted their time and energy to SOSNA as board members. I have continued my commitment as chair of the Zoning Committee and as a member of the Preservation Committee and, in speaking with my good friend and zoning committee member Richard, have decided to go for another term as a board member. I’m a 50 year resident of this community and a fourth of five generations here. I’m also a member of the Architectural Review Committee and have designed 20 homes in this neighborhood. I have also served on the economic development committee in the past. I also represent SOSNA as a delegate to the Philadelphia Crosstown Coalition of Registered Community Organizations, a group that represents RCOs across the city and advocates for issues and legislation that help RCOs carry out their duties, and most especially the requirements per the Zoning code of RCOs vetting all properties in their respective neighborhoods in all zoning variance requests. I’m here, I’m committed and I’ll be retiring from working as an architect in the very near future and will have even more time and energy to continue to serve this community.


Can you please share your current/previous volunteer & leadership experience?

See above.

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Scott Cohen

Why do you want to serve as a SOSNA Board Member?

As an involved resident of the community, I want to be part the betterment of Graduate Hospital for all of us.


Can you please share your current/previous volunteer & leadership experience?

Here is a list of my community service:

1. DRPA, Vice President of the CAC

2. America250PA, Advisory Committee

3. SOSNA, Zoning Committee

4. Caring Peoples Alliance, Toast of Philly Committee Supporting Boys & Girls Clubs

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Jacob Pritchett

Why do you want to serve as a SOSNA Board Member?

I've been involved with community-focused nonprofits for years, but I've more recently taken an interest in the role that community involvement plays in shaping the built environment of cities, affecting everything from the character of the neighborhoods to how comfortable people feel walking the streets. As I continue to learn, I want to bring others along and educate neighbors about what's going on in their neighborhood and how they can participate, as well as to advocate for them and help make our neighborhood as beautiful, safe, welcoming, and vibrant as it can be.


Can you please share your current/previous volunteer & leadership experience?

Before I moved to Philadelphia, I lived in Arizona, where I co-founded a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization called the Arizona Talks Foundation, which promotes civil dialogue about issues that matter to Arizonans. I created and helped grow a membership system, created and ran a website, and helped put on events: mostly talks featuring educators, journalists, elected officials, and other public figures. (I'm still helping this organization remotely and I serve as a board member.) In Philadelphia, I helped form Philly Bike Action, a rapidly growing organization that advocates for bike safety in the city. I currently serve as the Treasurer and co-chair of the Finance and Tech committees. I recently started attending meetings of the SOSNA Vision Zero Committee and I'm excited to see where that goes.

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Morgan Rodriguez

Why do you want to serve as a SOSNA Board Member?

I ran for the Board and was elected in 2021, so I am coming to the end of my first 3 yr term as a SOSNA Board Member. I was unanimously elected by my fellow Board members to be the Chair in November 2023. I ran in 2021 because I love our neighborhood, the sense of community I feel when I walk around and wanted to be able to be a more active participant in the neighborhood and what was happening. That still holds true today, even more so. I’ve been dedicated to the Board and hope to continue to do so. I have enjoyed being able to have a voice and represent our neighborhood.


Can you please share your current/previous volunteer & leadership experience?

I have been on the SOSNA Board for the last 3 years. I also help to run Catharine Park at 22nd and Catharine. I will be getting involved with the school advisory council at MANA where my daughter goes to school. I have been the Chair of SOSNA for the past year, dedicating many hours each week to SOSNA, getting the word out about our organization, connecting with other community groups in the neighborhood and striving to help our community.

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