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Carpenter Green Park FAQ

Updated: Dec 18, 2019

In case you missed it, the long-awaited tractors and back hoes have arrived at Carpenter Green Park. Through the mud and the hot weather, the team from Reed Street Builders has been leveling and digging to craft our neighborhoods newest park. 

As the park gets closer to completion, we've been getting a lot of questions so we wanted to share the answers here! Read on for some frequently asked questions about Carpenter Green Park and the construction process:


-- When will the Park be open? --

The park is scheduled to be completed this September/October. However, due to weather we hope to open the park to the public in Spring 2020!

-- Are you still fundraising for Carpenter Green Park? --

Absolutely!! If you haven't made a gift to the park but still would like to do so, here's the link: Additional funds will help cover landscaping expenses and future maintenance, planting, and programming.

-- Is the Park dog friendly? --

Yes, the park is dog friendly and Bo, Charlie, Cooper, Etta, Riley, and Tap can’t wait until construction is finished! However, the Philadelphia Department of Parks and Recreation, who will insure the park when it is complete, preferred not to include an enclosed area where our furry friends can run off-lead, like they do at Schuylkill River and Segar Parks. So, in consideration for the other neighbors enjoying Carpenter Green, we must ask that your pups remain on-lead while in the park. And please help us maintain Carpenter Green by cleaning after your dog. 

-- Will there be a water-play feature? --

Yes, there WILL be a water-play feature in the central plaza! This will be in the form of a pergola (shade structure) that will have a number of integrated misters, providing a fun area for folks to play, while cooling off, during those hot summer days! Check out the plan [link] to see where the misting station is located! 

-- Will there be programming and activities? --

Heck yes there will be programming and activities, and we need your help planning them! The Friends of Carpenter Green Park will be coordinating all park-related events, so come join us the second Wednesday of every month at the SOSNA office at 7:00pm or email us at CarpenterGreenPark@gmail.comand tell us what you want to see happen at the park!


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