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Coming to a school crosswalk near you!

SOSNA’s Vision Zero Committee (formerly the Safety Committee) has been working to implement on our neighborhood’s Walkability Plan for several years, and we are working with the Philadelphia Streets Department to finalize safe crosswalks at both of our public elementary schools, Chester A. Arthur and E.M. Stanton.

These crosswalks are special because they enforce the existing law that requires crosswalks and 20 feet from them to be clear of cars. This is especially important where children cross streets as they are not visible behind cars. Cleared intersections enable drivers to see pedestrians cross the street, and enable pedestrians to easily see approaching cars.

This project aligns with the City’s Vision Zero initiative to implement safety measures to reduce traffic injuries and deaths to zero. In addition, it complements Philadelphia’s Safe Routes initiative, which supports pedestrian and bicycle safety on routes to schools. This project will be our first street-safety project of many we are planning to implement this year and moving forward.

Last September, SOSNA held a general meeting at EM Stanton Elementary to share this project and take questions. The response was tremendously positive -- with no opposition and only support. It was a valuable way to gauge continued interest in the community. To this community meeting, we specifically invited the near neighbors, the school principals, the friends groups -- Stanton Community Partners and Friends of Chester Arthur, the school administrations, and the neighborhood at large.

The Streets Department is installing new signage and the vertical delineators, and will paint the outlines of the area intended for the street murals in March. To celebrate and showcase this work, we will hold a press event in mid-April.

Want to get involved? Our Vision Zero Committee meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:00p at 1901 Christian. Our next meeting is on Thursday, April 18.


Tanya Seaman, SOSNA Vision Zero Committee Chair, earned her master in City Planning at the University of Pennsylvania, with an emphasis on public transit and active transportation. Soon afterward, she co-founded and directed PhillyCarShare, which became the largest nonprofit car-sharing organization in North America: it enabled 50,000 residents to give up or forego car ownership and saved the City of Philadelphia over $8 million, with 330 fewer vehicles in its fleet. Tanya plays an active role in her neighborhood – as a Tree Tender leader through the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and as the chair of SOSNA’s Vision Zero Committee. She is also a board member of the fledgling South Philly Food Co-op and has co-written a climate action platform for Philadelphia's Council and Mayor elections. Tanya currently works as an analyst in the freight-rail industry.


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